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Ten ways to be a good "friends"
"Why won't [popular geekboy] add me on Facebook?" asked my friend the other night. "I'm a good 'friend.'" The book's already been written on how to be a friend. But screw meaningful relationships; how can you be a good "friend"? You know, someone very addable on Facebook, LinkedIn, and such? First, ignore that even asking this question is kind of pathetic. Then...
1. Get in the friend zone. Have at least 15 "friends" so you don't look like a loner. But if you're just starting your career or not very connected, be wary of filling out with over 100 tenuous connections; after that, keep it below 300. Unless, of course, you're legitimately beyond that because you have a high-connected role like "publicist," "United Way volunteer coordinator," or "madam."
2. Be the interesting one. On a network where people actually do stuff (like the social messaging site Twitter), you can set yourself apart just by never wasting other people's time. Don't tell everyone "I'm making a sandwich." Tell them "I just dropped half my sandwich on the floor, peanut-butter side down. I picked out a couple of hairs so I think it's still okay to eat."
3. Interact with your friends. A Facebook user who just sits there without messaging, writing on walls, or at least joining a couple of groups; or a YouTube user who's never left a comment; or a Flickr user who has just three favorite photos, is like a sex partner who just lies there.
4. Let it all hang out. The more someone can see of your profile before they be"friend" you, the more likely they'll see something that makes you a good "friend."
5. Remember the reality curve. The more activity that happens on a social site, the more "friends" you can add that aren't actually friends. For instance, adding a hundred people you've never shaken hands with on Facebook is bad. Adding a hundred such people on Yahoo Chess, not bad at all.
6. Fake it just a little. Put up a flattering profile photo or highlight your best accomplishment. The slight disappointment as your "friend" gets to know you is a normal part of all human relationships. Just avoid lies and Photoshop.
7. Don't set your relationship status to "It's complicated." No one wants friends who are "complicated." Unless, of course, they're kind of creepy and think they can steal you away from whomever things are complicated with.
8. Link your social profiles to each other. Link to your Blogger or MySpace accounts from your Facebook profile. (Unless, of course, that's where you keep your private confessions and bong collection photos.) Like adding your friends as "friends" and filling out your profile, this just fills in context about you and makes you seem more like a real person.
9. Make mutual "friends." For a particularly tough-to-meet "friend," you've got to invade from neighboring territories. Yes, this is a metaphor from Risk, but it's kinda true.
10. Leave a wall post on birthdays. Endorse your colleagues. Favorite your "friends'" photos. Even if these little gestures feel meaningless to give, they feel strangely powerful to receive. In another sense, that's the whole point of being a good "friend."
Bonus: 11. Forget about it. Some people just don't like to have more than a few "friends." Or maybe they're just not that into you. Wouldn't you rather have friends?
在这个游戏的开头,我们设想自己要参加一个电视游戏大奖赛。规则呢,是这样。我们有 n 个人,作为一个小组来参加游戏。游戏中,主持人会给我们每人头上戴一顶帽子。帽子有黑白两种颜色,可以认为它们在我们各自头上的分布是临时随机决定的。小 组中的每一个人,可以看到其他人的帽子颜色,但不知道自己的帽子颜色。每个游戏成员都被要求回答自己帽子的颜色。我们各人面前有三个按钮,可以选择“黑 色”“白色”或“弃权”(也就是 pass,不作猜测的意思)。小组成员彼此之间没有任何信息交流,他们必须各自独立地作出自己的选择,并且谁也不知道其他人的选择。如果小组成员全部选择 了 pass,也就是每个人都弃权,则他们输了;如果有小组成员作出了明确的猜测,但某个人猜错了,则结果也是输。只有当小组中有人做出猜测,并且每个做出猜 测的人都猜对了,他们才能获胜,一起获得最后的大奖。
定义:图G(V,E)上,V的子集D称为G的Dominating Set当且仅当G的任何顶点要么在D中,要么与D的某个顶点相邻。
定理:G的顶点集为某个策略C的错误点集当且仅当为G(无向图下)的Dominating Set。其中。
对于一般图,求Dominating Set是NP完全问题。对于这个超立方体而言,一方面有下界:
定理:. 相应的,观众成功的概率不可能大于 .